This is a copy of our Estimate/Quote/Agreement/Invoice/Receipt
Please Read This Document Fully and attentively Page 1 of 4
By Greenyell-o Flooring Solutions
For Your Solid Ground. Licensed and Insured (St. Johns Co. Lic. # ST-8976)
1 (888) 820 8393(office) 1 (386) 931 8663 (Cell) 4floorz.com@gmail.com
Date:__/__/_2018_ Visit us at: 4floorz.com
This is an_X_Estimate for: This is a___Quote for:
__Laminate/LVT __Total Sqft. of flooring needed.
Prep job:
_X_Leveling _X_Take out carpet _X_Take out tile _X_Smoothen Slab
__ __Other_ __________
Material needed:
Moister barrier:__ Padding:__ T-molding:__ Reducer:__
Threshold:__ Other:__
Description, Scope and prices:
*Remove baseboard……………………………......…………….$ 0.00
*Remove carpet and tack strip…………………….………….$ 0.00
*Take out approx. 210sqft. of tile……………….……………$
*Install approx. 580sqft. of LVT…………..……….………….$
*Reinstall baseboard………………………….....……….………$ 0.00
*Install transitions………………………………......…….………$ 0.00
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Optional at extra charge: (items the homeowner may choose to do him/herself) choose by initialing
*Re-paint baseboards……………………………….........…$ TBD __________
*Caulking……………………………………………................. $ ?00.00 __________
*Post Installation Detailed cleaning ...………………. $ ?00.00 __________
*Haul away all debris…………………………….........….. $ ?00.00 __________
*Subfloor work (Major)..………………………........….....$ ?00.00__________
*Total……………………………………………...................…..$ TBD __________
Remarks: (Please initial all items)
*This ESTIMATE is based on Description/Scope, Prices and Agreement above and it must be
initialed by both parties in order for it to become a QUOTE.____/____
*A light slab prepping is included on this estimate.____
*If a major slab correction is required, additional charges may apply.____
*If choose to install quarter round/shoe molding, it will be done at $3.00/lf (mat.+labor included)____
*The payment is to be made in cash, check or Paypal in full at conclusion of the job.____
*The time predicted (verbally or written) for this estimate is merely estimated, it could
stretch well beyond any estimated time due to unpredicted reasons.____
*We encourage our customers to ask all questions and record them on this document.____
Agreement, Changes, Acknowledgements, Notes, Permissions, Q&As, Recommendations, Statements, Invoice and Receipt.
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_______________________________________________ ___/____/___ ____/___/____
Property Owner’s Signature Starting Date Finishing Date
_______________________________________________ ________________
Print Name Record Initials
_______________________________________________ ___/____/___ ____/___/____
Greenyell-o Flooring Solutions Agent Starting Date Finishing Date
_______________________________________________ ________________
Print Name Record Initials
*Fractions are always rounded to the next whole number. *TBD = To Be Determined. *HOW = Home Owner.
*LMI = Labor+ Material Included. *GFSA= Greenyell-o Flooring Solutions Agent. *N/A = Not Applicable.
*Op = Optional. *Y = Yes. *N = No. *X = Checked Items *Incl’d = Included.
*Any Changes, Acknowledgements, Notes, Permissions, Recommendations, Statements and Etc, must be recorded
and executed by both parties.